Caroline Shotton New Spring Releases

Caroline Shotton New Spring Releases

 After the immense success of Rugby Bull,  Washington Greens fastest selling limited edition EVER! Shotton released her spring 2014 collection. The cows have been stripped of their super hero and sporting attire and she goes back to basics with these fantastic prints of her iconic cow families.  Her inspiration is purely ‘Love’ – these family units gather together almost for a family portrait in the safety of their barns, she shows this simply by the title, All You Need Is Love.   There is an intentional simplicity to these paintings, she has focused heavily on composition and the quality of the wood she has painted. Many layers of glazes were added with fine brushwork to replicate the wood grain, like in Home Sweet Home.  We are lucky to have an original pencil sketch taken from this series, Home Is Where The Heart Is, a sensational snippet of real life sketching from Caroline – a little piece of working progress just for you! 
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