Daisy Boman is a Belgian sculpture artist whose work is a celebration of the human form and its relationship to the world. She creates abstract sculptures using her square headed clay Bo-men that explore the journey through life and togetherness.
Born in Belgium, near Antwerp, Boman discovered her love of sculpture at an early age. A talented artist as a child, she attended the Sissa school of art, followed by the Academy of Fine Art in Mol, where she studied interior design and photography before falling in love with ceramics in the early 1980s.
One of the most distinctive aspects of Boman's work is her use of texture. Her sculptures are three-dimensional, with surfaces that invite touch and exploration. This can be seen in her piece “Continuity" which depicts a world full of Bo-men as a desktop sculpture. The piece is both powerful and vulnerable, reflecting the duality of human nature.

Boman's work also explores the idea of transformation and journey. Many of her sculptures depict Bo-men in the process of moving, as if they are in a constant state of flux. This is seen in her piece “Pleasant Happening," which depicts a group of square headed Bo-men climbing towards the same ladder together, all helping one another to achieve the same result.

Boman's work has been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Europe, and jaw-dropping large scale installations can be found in Antwerp and Singapore.

Overall, Daisy Boman's work is a testament to the power of sculpture to explore the complex relationships between humans and their environment. Through her use of texture and transformation, she creates pieces that are both visually stunning and emotionally resonant. Her work reminds us of the importance of preserving our connection to the world and celebrating the beauty and complexity of togetherness.
As Daisy Boman's exclusive UK gallery, take a look at her full collection online or contact our team with to discuss the wonderful works.
As Daisy Boman's exclusive UK gallery, take a look at her full collection online or contact our team with to discuss the wonderful works.