Introducing New Artist Chris Acheson!

Introducing New Artist Chris Acheson!

A chance photograph of mannequins in a shop window inspired Chris latest works. He explains how: "when I opened it in Photoshop I saw its potential. I liked the way the two worlds collide; the stagnant, staged interior world of the shop dummy is transformed by the reflected random exterior scene of a bustling street into an abstract, humorous image”. Acheson collection of work is built up with layers of oil to create a transparency that is truly remarkable - this artwork looks like it was almost computer generated - the clever part is that its not!   The themes of Chris work are varied but popular street culture, cinema and music are key. As are the album covers and film posters from his youth. Chris feels that his work could easily be recognised as his take on Roxy Music album covers and Hammer Horror film posters. "The bric-a-brac of popular street culture, cinema and music are the key subjects running through most of my art.” Chris earliest artistic influences came from visiting the art galleries of Manchester, where he found the collection of Pre-Raphaelite paintings and Andy Warhols silk screens fascinating. The detail and narrative possibilities in the work of Millais, Waterhouse and Hughes, together with artists local to Chris such as Vallette and Lowry, have also influenced his style.  Acheson comments: "I am inspired by everyday life, I am constantly on the lookout for interesting compositions, from the mundane local Caf’ to the gaudy splendour of Piccadilly Circus and setting up numerous possible narratives for the various characters that inhabit them. Of my many inspirations Cinema and Music are often at the forefront and have helped to fuel my work and have suggested starting points.  The cinematic influence provides the visual treatment of a painting, as I seek to give the impression of a painted film still.  And not just glorious Technicolor, the black and white Kitchen Sink dramas of the Sixties are particular favourites. For example A Taste Of Honey,Saturday Night and Sunday Morning have left a lasting impression and consequently many of my paintings are rendered in black and white. I suppose I am looking for A Taste Of Honey  in the Greasy Spoon of life.”
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