New Neil Dawson originals

New Neil Dawson originals

Neil Dawsons favourite painting tool? His fingers! Dawson prefers to build the picture up as a whole, letting the image come into focus rather than working section by section. The versatility and speed that comes with working the paint energetically with his fingers encourages freedom in movement and the ability to change and alter the piece as he goes.Neil Dawson draws his inspiration from what surrounds him in everyday life. Flicking through papers, watching TV, walking around town - images, compositions and colours can trigger chain reactions, sparking ideas for future paintings. Dawsons studio is littered with torn out images and references from magazines or scraps of paper with notes and sketches made in moments of excitement and inspiration days or weeks ago. These seemingly insignificant scraps serve as starting points for his new work, like those now on the walls of Artmarket. Hi three original oil paintings have really brightened up the place! The shimmering lights of the London reflected on the Thames and the beam the New York taxi headlights bring real drama to any interior. The colours used are bold and confident as is the particular attention to composition and perspective. Unusually we have a pastel original of Neil Dawsons in the gallery - the vibrancy comes across just as strong in this medium. It adds an almost animated feel, like the city is bustling and shaking with the thunder of buses rattling by and the constant chatter of tourists. Neil Dawson comments; "I am on a constant learning curve with my painting, even in a disastrous piece I can usually find something - whether a colour scheme, method of mark making and paint manipulation or composition - that worked well and can be taken on and developed in a new work. It is an exciting and evolving process that keeps me fresh, inspired and coming back for more."
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