Artmarket Gallery director Robert Power goes to top up Tim Cotterill’s glass of champagne.

Artmarket Gallery director Robert Power goes to top up Tim Cotterill’s glass of champagne

“Fill it to the brim!” replies Tim, gleefully. “It’s ‘full’ when it’s running over my knuckles!”

It’s a joyful moment that probably sums up Tim’s approach to life – he really doesn’t do things by halves.

Tim Cotterill enjoying Champagne with clients at the Artmarket Gallery

The artist, now world famous as the ‘Frogman’, the creator of a range of richly patinated bronze creatures including those favourite frogs, was born in Leicester. He grew up in the city in the 60s and 70s, and remembers those years fondly, from nurturing baby birds that had fallen from their nests as a boy to teenage escapades careering around on a Triumph Bonneville.

The world opened up for him when, in 1972, he took a trip to California and realised it was his spiritual home – he finally moved there in 1990, started making his sensual and tactile frogs, and hasn’t looked back since.

And now here is back in the UK on one of his regular gallery trips, and delighting his collectors in East Yorkshire with a visit to the Cottingham gallery.

Tim Cotterill with Michelle Power at the Artmarket Gallery

He certainly knows how to put on a show, arriving on a breezy early autumn afternoon in one of his trademark jackets – this one shimmering with reversible sequins, royal purple at first, flipping to gleaming black as he invites people to run their hands along the fabric. He’s part gameshow host, part teddy boy.

And he knows how to charm, too, making a point of talking to every ‘frogaholic’ (his own name for his besotted collectors) in the room, discussing their collections, advising on where to go next, explaining his techniques.

He even finds time to conduct a quick running repair for a lady who has managed to chip one of her frogs, and has brought it along for some TLC. His energy would put a man half his age to shame.

Tim Cotterill with Michelle Power at the Artmarket Gallery

Two hours later and he’s off, heading to yet another appointment – and leaving a very definite Frogman-shaped hole in the room.

But fortunately, he’s also left plenty of frogs – and a few other creatures besides – behind. They’re hopping off the shelves at the Artmarket Gallery pretty quickly, so we’d recommend getting along there soon if you want to see them!

Tim Cotterill with Michelle Power at the Artmarket Gallery

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